Rehearsal Files

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In this section CAS members will find all necessary information to participate fully in the Choral Art Society.
You will find all you need for rehearsals and performances, including schedules, pronunciation guides, translations, and mp3 files.
You will also find a roster and contact list, minutes of meetings, and other membership materials.

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If you want to just listen to the recording in your browser, then click on its title. However if you want to download the recording do NOT click on the title first. Instead, RIGHT-CLICK on the title and then select “Save Link”.

02/24 Rehearsal, Ramsey & Mozart

OOPS! Put recorder on hold at break, forgot to re-start it during FIRE! Mvmt 1 practice. Go to 02/10 Rehearsal for earlier Mvmt 1 practice.

02/17 Rehearsal, Ramsey & Mozart

02/10 Rehearsal, Ramsey & Mozart

02/03 Rehearsal, Ramsey & Mozart

01/27 Rehearsal, Ramsey & Mozart

Synth Files from Travis, Mvmt 1, broken up in pieces. Caution, many subsequent changes!

01/20 Rehearsal, Ramsey & Mozart

01/13 Rehearsal, Mozart & Ramsey

Mozart Messe C-Dur KV257.

Mozart, from YouTube, “Choir’s Finest” series: Singgemeinschaft Birk – Rolf Pohle.

2024-25 Singers, FIRE! by Travis Ramsey.

FIRE! Synth Files from Travis on 11/22/2024

Rehearsal, 11/23, Singers, FIRE!

Listening & Learning Tracks, Singers, Mozart Credo Mass